Best Web Host Help Page – FTP
Best Web Host FTP Overview.
Please go to your Best Web Host Control Panel cpanel to make FTP account changes
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) allows you to manage the files associated with your website. Best Web Host cPanel comes complete with an FTP server that is pre-configured and easy to use.
FTP access is already be configured in your Best Web Host control panel. Please use your Best Web Host cPanel account username and password to log in to FTP.
To log in to your FTP account, please configure an FTP client on your computer such as FileZilla, Core FTP, or Cyberduck.
FTP host: use your domain name
FTP username: the username in your Best Web welcome letter
FTP Password: the password in your Best Web welcome letter
When you use FTP, we strongly recommend that you use encryption such as SFTP.
Add an FTP account
The addition of an FTP account will allow users to access the domain’s folder on the Best Web Host server’s hard disk.
To create an FTP account:
In the Login text box, enter the username.
In the Password text box, enter the password. Retype the password in the Password (Again) text box.
You can click the Password Generator link to have a strong password generated for you.
Specify the FTP account’s home directory.Set the disk space quota. The Quota field determines how much
The Directory field defines the top level of directory access that will be granted to the new account. For example, an account with a Directory assignment of /$dir will not be allowed to access the parent directory but will be able to access /$dir and all of its subfolders.
disk space will be allocated to the FTP account.Click Create FTP Account
If the desired quota is not Unlimited, enter the maximum amount of data in MB.You will not be able to upload more than the total disk space allotment for your hosting account, regardless of the quota you set here.
FTP Accounts table.
Manage FTP accounts
The FTP Accounts table allows you to manage existing FTP accounts.
To search for a specific FTP account:
Enter a keyword in the text box.
Click Search Accounts. The FTP Accounts table will display only the FTP accounts that contain the keyword.
To return to the list of all FTP accounts, click Clear Search.
Change an FTP account’s password
To change an existing FTP account’s password:
Click Change Password.
In the Password text box, enter the desired account password. Retype the password in the Password (Again) text box.Click Change Password.
You can click the Password Generator link to have a strong password generated for you.
Edit an FTP account’s quota
The quota limits the amount of data that a user can upload to your server.
To change an FTP account’s quota:
Click Change Quota for the FTP account for which you wish to change the quota.
Select the desired FTP Quota option.Click Change Quota.
If the desired quota is not Unlimited, enter the maximum amount of data in MB.
Note: The user will not be able to upload more than the total disk space allotment for your hosting account, regardless of the quota you set here.
Remove an FTP account
To remove an FTP account:
Click Delete for the FTP account.
Confirm that you wish to delete the FTP account.
Click Delete Account to remove the FTP account. The files contained in the FTP account’s home directory will not be removed.
Click Delete Account and Files to remove the FTP account and all of the files contained within the FTP account’s home directory.
Click Cancel to hide the Delete options if you do not wish to delete the account.
Configure an FTP client
When you configure an FTP client through this interface, a script will
download to your computer. When you run this script, the FTP client will
automatically be opened, configured, and connected to your FTP server.
Remember: You must install the FTP client on your computer
before you download and run the script file. For instructions on how to do this,
go to the FileZilla or Core FTP websites for Windows computers, or the Cyberduck website for Mac computers.
To configure an FTP client:
Click Configure FTP Client for the desired FTP account.
Select an FTP client. You can choose between Filezilla, Core FTP, or Cyberduck.Note: Best Web Host cPanel currently only supports these three FTP clients for auto-configuration. You may use another client, but will need to configure the client yourself.
Click the appropriate FTP or SFTP configuration link.Open and run the configuration script file that has downloaded to your computer
SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol and is an extension of SSH protocol.
Click Instructions (new window) to view detailed instructions for your chosen client.
The FTP client will automatically open, configure itself, and connect to your
FTP server. Then, you will be free to manage your website’s content. If you
encounter problems when you try to automatically configure your FTP client, make
sure your client is properly installed on your computer.
Note: If you experience problems when you attempt to log in to
your FTP account, consult the Manual Settings shown on the FTP
Accounts screen to ensure that you have used the correct login. If you
still have problems connecting to FTP, please email for help.
View the FTP logs
If you need to see who has accessed your site with FTP, you can view this
information in the raw access log files for your website.
You can download these log files from the Best Web Host cPanel Raw
Access Logs screen. FTP logs will include ftp_log in the filename.
Important: Before you can access these logs, you must navigate
to the Raw Access Logs interface and select Archive logs in your home
directory at the end of each stats run. The logs will be available after
the system processes them.