Domain Name Registration

Best Web Host
Domain Name Registration
Please click here to renew your domain name

We Register Domain Names
for only $25.99 per year
including .com , .net , .org
Please email us for current registration,
renewal and redemption/restore fee pricing
on other TLD domain names.

We also renew Domain names
for only $25.99 per year
including .com , .net , .org

The public Whois domain name database for our domain name registration system has changed for the better.

Unlike most other domain name registration systems who still make your personal information available to the general public, our domain name registration system includes the BASIC WHOIS PRIVACY FEATURE and no longer shows your personal information as visible to the public in the domain name database – but – be advised that your personal information is still available on a limited basis. Please see details below.


The following information will remain visible in the Whois database using the the BASIC WHOIS PRIVACY FEATURE. The registrar information, initial registration, last update and expiry dates, domain status, and nameservers.

The following information will NOT BE VISIBLE in the Whois database using the the BASIC WHOIS PRIVACY FEATURE. The registrant information — name, organization, address, phone number, and email — is personal data that will NOT  be published in the public Whois database. Instead, we provide authenticated, gated Whois access to the information in a specific and limited manner, so that those with legitimate reason (like law enforcement, domain name registries, etc) will be able to request personal data and can access the information they require.


The question is – do you want to use the FULL FEATURED WHOIS PRIVACY FEATURE? With Basic Whois Privacy, your domain names will use the gated Whois system, where registrant data is confidential in the public Whois database, but is made available to parties with a legitimate interest. So, while the audience for registrant data may no longer be the entire public, it will still be sizable. This is where the FULL FEATURED WHOIS PRIVACY FEATURE comes in — if the FULL FEATURED WHOIS PRIVACY FEATURE is active on a domain, the personal data in the registration record will remain protected from those with access to the gated Whois (except that law enforcement will always have access to domain name information). FULL FEATURED WHOIS PRIVACY FEATURE also provides a way through the public database for third parties to contact the domain owner via the privacy service email address displayed in the Whois output (your personal email will not be displayed). The biggest reason to use the full featured Whois Privacy is that the personal data associated with a domain that is protected by the FULL FEATURED WHOIS PRIVACY FEATURE will not be shared with domain name registries. (sharing with domain name registries is a major cause of spam).

If you decide that you want the full featured privacy feature, there is an additional fee of $5.00 per year per domain name.

When domain names need to be renewed, Best Web Host’s automated system will email the administrative contact on file renewal notifications 90, 60, 30 and 5 days prior to the expiration date of the domain name and 3 days and 10 days after the expiration of the domain name.

I am already a Customer
Click here to renew your domain name

All registration fees stated on this web site are for our web hosting customers. For non-web hosting customers – please email us for pricing and  registrations/renewals.

ICANN requires that a domain name holder will be prohibited from changing its Registrar during the first 60 days after initial  registration of the domain name with the Registrar. If you let your domain name expire, about a month after it expires, The redemption/restore fee pricing for expired domain names is $140.00 for names ending in .com , .net , .org. Please email us for redemption fees for other domain names not ending in .com , .net , .org

Please email us for current registration, renewal and redemption/restore fee pricing on other TLD domain names

Click Here To Read ICANN’s Registrants Rights and Responsibilities Document
Click Here To Read ICANN’s Registrants Benefits Document

Click Here To Read Exhibit A Registrant agreement for all domain names