Best Web Host Help Page – IP Deny Manager
IP Deny Manager allows you to block access to your site for one or more IP addresses. You can also ban fully qualified domain names (FQDNs).
Click the IP Deny icon in your Best Web HostControl Panel cPanel
To deny access to an IP address or range of IP addresses:
Enter the IP address or range in the IP Address or Domain field.
Click Add.
You can enter IP addresses in any of five ways:
Single IP Address (Example:
Range (Example:
Implied Range (Example:
CIDR Format (Example:
Implied IP Address (Example: 10.)
PICK Important: 10. as an implied IP address implies 10.*.*.*, where each * represents a positive whole number. If you enter 10., all IP addresses that begin with 10. will be blocked.
Note: If you enter IP addresses directly to the .htaccess file, enter them in CIDR format only. Use of the range formats shown above as entries in the .htaccess file may cause problems.
Current IP addresses being blocked: IP address ranges entered through IP Deny Manager are separated into subnets in CIDR format before the values are added to the .htaccess file. The interface will display blocked IP addresses and ranges in this notation.
To remove a denied IP address:
Click the button in the Remove column for the appropriate IP address.
Click Yes to confirm.